5 mins
Experiencing DevOps entails more than just living through it, surviving through a seminar, or enduring a course. To really understand what DevOps is about, one should first understand that DevOps is not a distant scary abbreviation, it is about people and joint effort.
Enhancing people’s knowledge is a major goal at Technofy. We are led by the belief that every single person should never stop learning and improving. A group is as strong as the weakest link in the chain. Then again, it is not about strength or weakness. Every person matters because teams and companies are made up of individuals who collaborate. Running the Phoenix Project Business Simulation with ITCE was a wonderful experience that we had the chance to host at the Launchee event venue.
The simulation is based on the best-selling Phoenix Project book and like almost every challenge it asks for resourcefulness and determination. The difference is that the project presents daunting situations to the participants and throws in a few unexpected twists and turns along with changing the environment. The players must make quick, accurate, and efficient decisions because the future and positive results of their company are on the line.
With the help of the ITCE facilitators, we managed to go through four sprints in the simulation. By putting working together as a top priority we were able to arrive at important and precise conclusions while constantly implementing improvements in every subsequent sprint.
What was this about and what we took for ourselves at the end of the day? Well, we believe everyone should experience what DevOps is and we would be delighted to share more thoughts with you on the matter. The biggest impact was that we understood better how to advance our projects by working together. At the same time we had each other’s backs through failures and successes without neglecting the social and entertainment aspects of the project. Take a look at this video from the simulation and make sure to extract something that will help you in your future: