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Announcing table charts for AWS IoT SiteWise
Thursday, December 3, 2020
It is more than easy to collect, store, organize, and monitor data from industrial equipment at scale. #AWS #IoT SiteWise now supports table charts in AWS IoT SiteWise Monitor. With table charts, you can have a compact representation of the latest data from your equipment in a simple table by dragging and dropping the data and metrics you are interested in monitoring into a table
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Introducing AWS SaaS Boost
Wednesday, December 2, 2020
Exciting announcement โ€“ The preview release of #AWS #SaaS Boost. The open-source ready-to-use reference environment enables Independent Software Vendors (ISVs) to accelerate the move to Software-as-a-Service (SaaS). AWS SaaS Boost takes on the heavy lifting of launching SaaS offerings by guiding software builders through the migration and operational processes, making the move to SaaS as frictionless as possible
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Announcing Modules for AWS CloudFormation
Tuesday, November 24, 2020
You can now define your infrastructure and applications in AWS CloudFormation with reusable building blocks called modules. A module encapsulates one or more resources and their respective configurations for reuse across your organization. Modules make it simple to use the specific resources you need while keeping resource configurations aligned with organizational best practices. You can choose from a collection of pre-built modules created by domain experts, AWS, partners, and the open-source community to provision the resources you need quickly without needing to sort through resource intricacies
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AWS announces the launch of Amazon Comprehend Events
Monday, November 23, 2020
The pace of progress in #AWS innovation is incredibly fast, and we are proud to be an AWS Advanced Partner. In keeping with their innovation strategy, AWS has launched the #Amazon Comprehend Events, a service that extracts real-world events and the associated arguments from text documents. Using Comprehend Events is simple. The API comes pre-trained for common events such as mergers, bankruptcies, and IPOs. Comprehend Events extracts what happened, which entities were involved, if the same entity and event are mentioned multiple times in the text. The API output is provided in an easy to consume JSON, which can be integrated with downstream applications
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Introducing the AWS Network Firewall - a new managed service to deploy network security across your Amazon VPCs with just a few clicks
Wednesday, November 18, 2020
Cybercrime remains one of the greatest threats to every company globally, which is why #AWS prioritizes privacy and security in the digital era. AWS recently introduced the AWS Network Firewall - a new managed service to deploy network security across your #Amazon #VPCs with just a few clicks. The security service scales automatically with your network traffic, so you donโ€™t have to worry about deploying and managing any infrastructure
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Introducing Video On Demand on AWS Foundation
Monday, November 16, 2020
Introducing Video on Demand on #AWS Foundation solution that provisions the AWS services required to build scalable, distributed VOD processing and delivery workflows. This solution is designed to help you quickly get started encoding video files with AWS Elemental MediaConvert. It can be easily customized and used as the starting point to create a more complex workflow
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Apply your business rules to Amazon Personalize recommendations on the fly
Thursday, November 12, 2020
Apply your business rules to #Amazon Personalize recommendations on the fly. Amazon Personalize now allows you to apply business rules to your recommendations on the fly, without any extra cost. Dynamic filters save you time by removing the need to define all possible permutations of your business rules in advance and enable you to use your most recent information to filter recommendations. Amazon Personalize allows you to improve customer engagement by powering personalized product and content recommendations and targeted marketing promotions
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Introducing AWS Gateway Load Balancer
Wednesday, November 11, 2020
#AWS announced the availability of AWS Gateway Load Balancer, a new service that helps you deploy, scale, and manage third-party virtual network appliances such as firewalls, intrusion detection and prevention systems, analytics, visibility, and others. AWS Gateway Load Balancer combines a transparent network gateway (that is, a single entry and exit point for all traffic) and a load balancer that distributes traffic and scales your virtual appliances with the demand
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Savings Plans Alerts now available in AWS Cost Management
Thursday, November 5, 2020
Savings Plans Alerts now available in #AWS Cost Management. Savings Plans is a flexible pricing model that offers savings of up to 72% on your #Amazon #EC2, AWS #Lambda, and Amazon #ECS with AWS #Fargate type usage, in exchange for a commitment to a consistent amount of computer usage (measured in $/hour) for a 1 or 3-year term. When you purchase a Savings Plan, you will be charged the discounted Savings Plans price for your usage up to your commitment
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Introducing new visualization features in AWS IoT SiteWise: Status Charts, Scatter Plot and Trend lines
Monday, November 2, 2020
AWS IoT SiteWise, a managed service that makes it easy to collect, store, organize, and monitor data from industrial equipment at scale, now supports three new visualization options in SiteWise Monitor: Status Charts, Scatter Plot, and Trend Lines
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AWS CodeArtifact now supports resource tagging
Sunday, November 1, 2020
#AWS CodeArtifact now supports resource tagging making it more straightforward for customers to manage their CodeArtifact resources. AWS CodeArtifact is a fully managed artifact repository service that makes it easier for organizations of any size to securely store, publish, and share software packages used in their development process. Customers can now apply resource tags to label, organize, and categorize their CodeArtifact repositories and domains by application, environment, or other criteria
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Amazon Braket now supports resource tagging
Sunday, November 1, 2020
#Amazon Braket, the fully managed quantum computing service, now supports resource tagging, making it easy for you to manage resources effectively as you scale use of the service. Tags are simple labels consisting of a customer-defined key and value that make it easier for you to manage and filter resources. You can now add, manage, and remove tags for quantum task resources using the #AWS CLI and the Amazon Braket SDK
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Amazon Chime SDK for JavaScript now enables meeting health monitoring and troubleshooting
Thursday, October 29, 2020
#Amazon Chime SDK for JavaScript now enables meeting health monitoring and troubleshooting. Application developers building real-time audio, video, and screen sharing applications can collect client metrics from meetings events available from the Amazon Chime SDK for JavaScript. Developers can help end users troubleshoot their applications without requiring them to send in client logs. And by streaming metrics to Amazon CloudWatch, developers can analyze meeting health trends or deep dive on problematic meetings or devices
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Amazon Cognito User Pools enables easy quota management and usage tracking
Thursday, October 29, 2020
#Amazon Cognito User Pools enables easy quota management and usage tracking. You can now manage quotas for commonly used operation categories, such as user creation and user authentication, as well as view quotas and usage levels in the AWS Service Quotas dashboard or CloudWatch metrics. This update makes it simple to view your quota usage of and request rate increases for multiple APIs in the same category
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Amazon Kendra achieves HIPAA eligibility
Thursday, October 29, 2020
#Amazon Kendra, a highly accurate intelligent search service powered by machine learning, is now a Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) eligible service. Customers can now use Amazon Kendra to manage healthcare and life science workloads containing protected health information (PHI)
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Amazon API Gateway now supports disabling the default REST API endpoint
Thursday, October 29, 2020
#Amazon API Gateway now supports disabling the default, auto-generated REST API endpoint. Customers can configure a custom domain name endpoint to require different security than the default endpoint generated by API Gateway. By disabling the default API endpoint, customers can require that clients access an API through only the custom domain name. Using this strategy, customers can ensure that clients only access back-end systems through approved security controls configured on the custom domain name
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Customers can now use Jira Service Desk to track operational items related to AWS resources
Wednesday, October 28, 2020
Customers can now use #Jira Service Desk to track operational items related to #AWS resources. You can use Jira Service Desk as a single place to track operational items from AWS Systems Manager OpsCenter. Jira Service Desk users can now view, investigate, and resolve operational items related to their AWS resources while using existing Jira workflows
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AWS Site-to-Site VPN now supports health notifications
Wednesday, October 28, 2020
#AWS Site-to-Site VPN now supports health notifications. AWS has recently introduced notifications regarding Site-to-Site VPN Connections. The feature allows AWS to send a notification via the Personal Health Dashboard (PHD) if your VPN is operating without the recommended dual tunnel configuration for redundancy (Single Tunnel Notification), or if your VPN has experienced a momentary loss of redundancy due to a tunnel endpoint replacement (Tunnel Replacement Notification)
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Now generally available โ€“ design and visualize Amazon Keyspaces data models more easily by using NoSQL Workbench
Tuesday, October 27, 2020
#NoSQL Workbench support for Amazon Keyspaces (for Apache Cassandra) is now generally available. You can design and visualize #Amazon Kespaces data models more efficiently using NoSQL Workbench, which has a point-and-click interface for creating nonrelational data models. Designing scalable data models is essential to building massive-scale, operational, nonrelational databases. With NoSQL Workbench for Amazon Keyspaces, you can create new data models from scratch by defining keyspaces, tables, and columns
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Introducing the AWS Activate Console - helping startups accelerate their growth and development
Wednesday, October 28, 2020
#Amazon has introduced the #AWS Activate Console โ€“ helping startups accelerate their growth and development. AWS Activate provides startups, including both smaller, early-stage companies, and more advanced digital businesses, with free tools and resources to quickly get started on AWS. The new AWS Activate Console is full of personalized tools and resources designed to support startups through every stage of their journey, from the initial idea to building an MVP, securing their first customer, and scaling their business on AWS and beyond
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Announcing General Availability of AWS Nitro Enclaves
Wednesday, October 28, 2020
#Amazon has released #AWS Nitro Enclaves. This new #EC2 capability enables customers to create isolated compute environments (enclaves) to further protect and securely process highly sensitive data such as personally identifiable information (PII), healthcare, financial, and intellectual property data within their Amazon EC2 instances. Nitro Enclaves helps customers reduce the attack surface area for their most sensitive data processing applications
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Amazon SageMaker Studio Notebooks now support custom images
Monday, October 26, 2020
#Amazon #SageMaker Studio Notebooks now support custom images. Amazon SageMaker Studio is the first fully integrated development environment (IDE) for machine learning (ML). With a single click, data scientists and developers can quickly spin up SageMaker Studio Notebooks to explore datasets and build models. Starting today, you can launch SageMaker Studio Notebooks with your own images
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AWS IoT SiteWise launches support for VPC private links
Tuesday, October 27, 2020
#AWS #IoT SiteWise now supports #Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) endpoints via AWS PrivateLink for data plane APIs (PUT and GET APIs). You can securely send and receive data within your VPC, without crossing the public internet and without using public IPs. You can do so by creating a VPC endpoint for the AWS IoT SiteWise service to establish a private connection between your VPC and AWS IoT SiteWise
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Now use AWS Systems Manager to view vulnerability identifiers for missing patches on your Linux instances
Monday, October 26, 2020
#AWS Systems Manager's Patch Manager now includes common vulnerability identifiers (CVE ID) in the description of missing patches identified in your fleet across multiple Linux platforms. CVE IDs help you identify security notices applicable to vulnerabilities within your fleet and recommended patches. You can use the #Amazon Inspector to conduct a detailed scan for CVE in your fleet
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AWS Shield now provides global and per-account event summaries to all AWS customers
Sunday, October 25, 2020
#AWS Shield now provides global and per-account event summaries to all AWS customers. The summaries provide you an overview of all events detected by AWS Shield, such as Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks and other volumetric anomalies, for each of your accounts and all events detected and mitigated on AWS. The Getting Started page on the AWS Shield console provides a preview of the global threat environment dashboard, a feature previously included only as part of AWS Shield Advanced
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AWS Fargate Spot for Amazon ECS is now supported in AWS CloudFormation
Sunday, October 25, 2020
#AWS Fargate Spot for #Amazon #ECS is now supported in AWS #CloudFormation, making it easier to manage and run Amazon ECS tasks across Fargate and Fargate Spot. You can now use CloudFormation to automate the management of Fargate capacity providers, associate them with ECS clusters, and specify capacity provider strategies at the cluster and service level using a CloudFormation template
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Amazon AppFlow supports importing custom dimensions and metrics from Google Analytics to Amazon S3
Sunday, October 25, 2020
#Amazon #AppFlow supports importing custom dimensions and metrics from #Google #Analytics to Amazon #S3. You can specify the custom dimensions and metrics that you want to import while mapping source fields to the destination fields during flow set up, and AppFlow will transfer records, including these dimensions and metrics, during flow execution. This new capability provides customers additional options for transferring data using AppFlow, enabling them to integrate Google Analytics data with AWS services in new ways to improve business productivity and drive innovation
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AWS Copilot CLI launches v0.5 to let users deploy scheduled jobs and more
Friday, October 23, 2020
The #AWS Copilot CLI for #Amazon Elastic Container Service (#ECS) launched version 0.5.0. The release allows you to deploy applications or jobs that need to run only on a particular schedule. AWS Copilot has built-in timeouts and retires to provide more flexibility for how your scheduled jobs run. AWS Copilot will also deploy all the required infrastructure and settings. You will only provide the application and schedule them to be run, allowing you to focus on development instead of manually setting up rules and infrastructure for running scheduled jobs
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Introducing the AWS Load Balancer Controller
Thursday, October 22, 2020
The ALB Ingress Controller is now the #AWS Load Balancer Controller, and includes support for both Application Load Balancers and Network Load Balancers. The new controller enables you to simplify operations and save costs by sharing an Application Load Balancer across multiple applications in your #Kubernetes cluster, as well as using a Network Load Balancer to target pods running on AWS #Fargate
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Amazon SNS now supports selecting the origination number when sending SMS messages
Friday, October 23, 2020
#Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS) now supports selecting the origination number when sending SMS messages to your customers. You currently have the option of choosing the origination number to use. Origination numbers are phone numbers that Amazon SNS will use to send your SMS message, such as short and long codes. This feature allows you to achieve a more consistent and trusted experience for the message receiver
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Amazon Redshift now supports the scheduling of SQL queries by integrating with Amazon EventBridge
Thursday, October 22, 2020
#Amazon #Redshift now allows you to schedule your SQL queries for executions in recurring schedules and enables you to build event-driven by integrating with Amazon #Eventbridge. You can now schedule time-sensitive or long-running queries, loading or unloading your data, or refreshing your materialized views on a regular schedule
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AWS Step Functions now supports Amazon Athena service integration
Wednesday, October 21, 2020
#AWS Step Functions now supports #Amazon Athena service integration. AWS Step Functions integration with Amazon Athena allows you to build workflows that query data on your #S3 data lake. AWS Step Functions support built-in error handling, parameter passing, recommended security settings, and state management, reducing the amount of code you have to write and maintain. You can use Athena integration to create a workflow that queries data in Amazon S3, gets the query results, verifies the ETL job completion, and notifies relevant stakeholders
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Amazon Kendra now supports custom data sources
Wednesday, October 21, 2020
#Amazon Kendra, a highly accurate and easy to use intelligent search service powered by machine learning, now supports custom data sources. You can leverage Kendraโ€™s intelligent search capabilities across a broader range of content repositories using Kendraโ€™s custom data source feature. By adding the custom data source feature, customers can now use the Kendra API to create their custom connectors and push content directly into Kendra from any content repository
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Announcing AWS Distro for OpenTelemetry in Preview
Tuesday, October 20, 2020
#AWS has announced the availability, in preview, of AWS Distro for Open Telemetry, a secure, production-ready, AWS-supported distribution of the OpenTelemetry project. Part of the Cloud Native Computing Foundation, OpenTelemetry, provides open-source APIs, libraries, and agents to collect distributed traces and metrics for application monitoring. With AWS Distro for OpenTelemetry, you can instrument your applications just once to send correlated metrics and traces to multiple monitoring solutions
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AWS Global Accelerator launches port overrides
Tuesday, October 20, 2020
#AWS Global Accelerator announces the ability to override the destination ports used to route traffic to an application endpoint. This allows you to map a list of external destination ports โ€“ that your users send traffic to โ€“ to a list of internal destination ports you want an application endpoint to receive traffic on. By default, an accelerator routes user traffic to endpoints in AWS regions using the protocol and port ranges you specify when you create a listener. The new capability now allows you to define different destination ports that you want the application endpoints to receive traffic on
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Amazon Connect launches agent connection time metrics
Wednesday, October 21, 2020
#Amazon Connect launches agent connection time metrics. You can now add connection time metrics to your reporting in Amazon Connect. This enables you to understand the time from when Connect sends a contact to an agent to when they accept and are connected to the phone call or chat
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AWS Lambda now supports AWS PrivateLink
Monday, October 19, 2020
#AWS #Lambda now supports AWS #PrivateLink. This feature allows you to manage and invoke Lambda functions from your Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) without exposing your traffic to the public Internet. PrivateLink provides connectivity between your VPCs and AWS services, like Lambda, on the private AWS network
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Announcing Amazon CloudFront Origin Shield
Monday, October 19, 2020
#Amazon CloudFront announces Origin Shield, a centralized caching layer that helps increase your cache hit ratio to reduce the load on your origin. Origin Shield also decreases your origin operating costs by collapsing requests across regions, so as few as one request goes to your origin per object. Origin Shield is charged as a request fee for each request that goes to Origin Shield as an incremental layer
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AWS IQ now provides integrated access logs for expert activity
Sunday, October 18, 2020
#AWS IQ now provides integrated access logs for expert activity. AWS IQ is a professional services marketplace that connects AWS customers with AWS Certified freelancers and consulting firms with deep AWS expertise. IQ allows you to connect with experts within minutes, easily grant access to your AWS account and pay through your AWS bill when work is complete. Customers previously had to navigate to the AWS CloudTrail console in every region to monitor expert activity in their account. IQ now provides integrated activity monitoring to make this easier
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AWS DataSync simplifies initial setup for online data transfers
Sunday, October 18, 2020
#AWS #DataSync simplifies the initial setup for online data transfer. The service now offers a simplified agent setup using the agentโ€™s local console to enable you to set up your agent faster and test network connectivity between your on-premises storage and AWS within minutes
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Porting Assistant for .NET is now open source
Sunday, October 18, 2020
Porting Assistant for .NET is now open source. You can now extend the data set with new recommendations for assessment and use the extended data set to scan your project for incompatibilities. You can also review and offer suggestions on existing data sets. Porting Assistant for .NET now allows you to participate in the development process actively and bring your experience and expert knowledge to the tool
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Resource Access Manager Support is now available on AWS Outposts
Thursday, October 15, 2020
#AWS Outposts support for AWS Resource Access Manager (RAM) lets customers share access to Outposts resources โ€“ EC2 instances, EBS volumes, subnets, and local gateways (LGWs) โ€“ across multiple accounts within an organization. With this new capability, you can enable distributed teams and business units within your organization to configure VPCs, launch and run EC2 instances, and create EBS volumes
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Announcing cross-database queries for Amazon Redshift (preview)
Thursday, October 15, 2020
#Amazon #Redshift now supports the ability to query across databases in a Redshift cluster. With cross-database queries, you can seamlessly query data from any database in the cluster, regardless of which database you are connected to. Cross-database queries can eliminate data copies and simplify your data organization to support multiple business groups on the same cluster
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Amazon Rekognition now detects Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) such as face covers, head covers, and hand covers on persons in images
Friday, October 16, 2020
#Amazon Rekognition now detects personal protective equipment (PPE) such as face covers (face masks), headcovers (helmets and hard hats), and hand covers (gloves) on persons in images. The deep-learning-based image and video analysis service that can identify objects, texts, scenes, as well as support content moderation by detecting inappropriate content, can now analyze images to detect if persons in the images are wearing PPE. Customers can use Amazon Rekognition to analyze images from their on-premises cameras across multiple locations to automatically detect if persons in the images are wearing the required PPE
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Amazon Aurora enables dynamic resizing for database storage space
Thursday, October 15, 2020
#Amazon #Aurora enables dynamic resizing for database storage space. The storage allocated to your Amazon Aurora database cluster will now dynamically decrease when you delete data from the cluster. The storage space already automatically increases up to a maximum size of 128 tebibytes (TiB), and will now automatically decrease when data is deleted. Customers can only pay for the storage they use
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AWS Purchase Order Management is now generally available
Wednesday, October 14, 2020
#AWS Purchase Order Management is now generally available. The product gives you the ability to define and manage your purchase orders ("Pos") for AWS services in a way that meets your business needs. You can manage your PO information from your AWS Billing Console, configure multiple Pos, and define the rules of how Pos map to your AWS invoices. You can also track your PO status and balance and set up email notifications to proactively validate your POs
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Announcing AWS Budgets Actions
Thursday, October 15, 2020
You can now define the actions to take in your account when a budget exceeds its threshold (actual forecasted amounts). This level of control allows you to reduce unintentional overspending in your account. You can choose to execute actions automatically or require a workflow approval process before AWS Budgets run a request on your behalf. You can set up to 5 budget thresholds with up to 10 actions for each entry
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Fluent Bit supports Amazon S3 as a destination to route container logs
Tuesday, October 13, 2020
Fluent Bit supports #Amazon #S3 as a destination to route container logs. Customers using container services like #ECS, #EKS, or self-managed Kubernetes can now use the Fluent Bit log router to send their container logs to Amazon S3. Fluent Bit allows customers to route container logs to various AWS and partner monitoring solutions, including Amazon CloudWatch, Amazon Kinesis, Datadog, Splunk, and now Amazon S3
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AWS Elemental MediaLive Statmux adds MPEG2 support and other features
Monday, October 12, 2020
#AWS Elemental MediaLive Statmux now supports MPEG-2 encoding. Broadcasters can now use the AWS cloud to perform MPEG-2 encoding to feed legacy devices with limited codec support, without expensive upgrades of their customer's or partner's decoding devices. The capability enables broadcasters to reach the vast majority of devices that connect them to their customers
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Amazon EKS now supports Kubernetes version 1.18
Tuesday, October 13, 2020
#Amazon #EKS now supports #Kuberbetes version 1.18. Kubernetes is rapidly evolving, with frequent feature releases and bug fixes. The new version 1.18 release has a new beta of Server-side Apply, a Topology Manager reaching beta status, and a new IngressClass resource for the Ingress specification that makes it simpler to customize Ingress configuration
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AWS Glue supports reading from self-managed Apache Kafka
Monday, October 12, 2020
#AWS Glue supports reading from self-managed #Apache #Kafka. Streaming extract, transform, and load (ETL) jobs in AWS Glue can now ingest data from Apache Kafka clusters that you manage. Previously, AWS Glue supported reading specifically from #Amazon Managed Streaming for Apache Kafka (Amazon MSK). This AWS Glue update now allows you to perform streaming ETL on Apache Kafka data, whether deployed on-premises or in the cloud
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Amazon Transcribe announces support for AWS PrivateLink for Batch APIs
Thursday, October 8, 2020
#Amazon Transcribe โ€“ an automatic speech recognition (ASR) service that you can use to add speech-to-text capabilities to your applications โ€“ announced support for #AWS PrivateLink for Batch APIs. Customers can now use AWS PrivateLink to access the Amazon Transcribe batch API from their Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (Amazon VPC) without using public IPs or requiring the traffic to traverse the Internet. AWS PrivateLink makes it easy and secure to access the Amazon Transcribe batch API by keeping your network traffic within the Amazon network while simplifying your internal network architecture
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Amazon Rekognition adds support for six new content moderation categories
Sunday, October 11, 2020
#Amazon #Rekognition content moderation โ€“ a deep learning-based service that can detect inappropriate, unwanted, or offensive images and videos, making it easier to find and remove such content at scale โ€“ has added support for six new content moderation categories. They include 'Drugs,' 'Tobacco,' 'Alcohol,' 'Gambling,' 'Rude Gestures,' and 'Hate Symbols.' Customers will also get improved detection rates for already supported categories
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CloudWatch Application Insights offers new, improved user interface
Sunday, October 11, 2020
#Amazon #CloudWatch Applications Insights has collaborated with customers to introduce an enhanced user interface to make setting up and managing your enterprise application monitoring even more straight forward. CloudWatch Application Insights capability helps enterprise customers effortlessly setup application monitoring and enhanced observability for #AWS resources. The user interface improvements streamline the steps for doing this in a more intuitive and consistent approach
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Announcing Amazon CloudWatch Lambda Insights (preview)
Friday, October 9, 2020
#Amazon CloudWatch Lambda Insights, now available in preview, enables you to monitor, troubleshoot, and optimize the performance of #AWS Lambda functions. With this preview, you have access to automated dashboards summarizing your Lambda functions' performance and health that provide visibility into issues such as memory leaks or performance changes caused by new function versions
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Amazon Personalize announces improvements that reduce model training time by up to 40% and latency for generating recommendations by up to 30%
Friday, October 9, 2020
#Amazon Personalize announces efficiency improvements that reduce model training time by up to 40% and latency for generating recommendations by up to 30%. Amazon Personalize enables developers to build applications with the same machine learning (ML) technology used by Amazon.com for real-time personalized recommendations โ€“ no ML expertise required
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AWS Cloud Map simplifies service discovery with optional parameters
Thursday, October 8, 2020
#AWS Cloud Map simplifies service discovery with optional parameters. You can now discover endpoints registered in AWS Cloud Map with optional parameters that filter the returned results only when there is a matching custom attribute. If there is no match, AWS Cloud Map ignores optional parameters and returns the full set of endpoints
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AWS CodeArtifact now supports AWS CloudFormation
Thursday, October 8, 2020
#AWS #CodeArtifact now supports AWS #CloudFormation, enabling customers to create and manage CodeArtifact repositories with CloudFormation. Customers can automate the creation and management of CodeArtifact resources without having to provision them through the console or write custom scripts manually
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CodeGuru Profiler now supports resource tagging
Wednesday, October 7, 2020
#Amazon #CodeGuru Profiler now supports resource tagging for profiling groups, making it easy for #AWS customers to manage their resources effectively as their utilization of AWS services begins to scale. Tags are simple labels consisting of a customer-defined key and an optional value that make it easier to manage and filter resources. Customers can now add, manage, and remove tags for a profiling group in the CodeGuru Profiler console, the AWS CLI, CodeGuru Profiler APIs, or by using AWS SDKs
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AWS Batch introduces tag-based access control
Wednesday, October 7, 2020
#AWS Batch that enables developers, scientists, and engineers to run hundreds of thousands of batch computing jobs on AWS now introduces tag-based access control. The service allows you to control access to AWS Batch resources based on tag values. You can define and control access to AWS Batch resources more efficiently
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Protect Your AWS Compute Optimizer Recommendation Data with customer master keys (CMKs) Stored in AWS Key Management Service
Tuesday, October 6, 2020
You can choose to further protect your recommendation data generated by #AWS Compute Optimizer by exporting to #S3 buckets encrypted with AWS Key Management Service (KMS) Customer Master Keys (CMKs). The new feature enables you to choose to protect your recommendation data by using AWS KMS encrypted buckets in addition to AES-256 encrypted buckets (SSE-S3), which enhances protection against unauthorized access of your data using CMKs
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Amazon SageMaker Price Reductions โ€“ Up to 18% for ml.P3 and ml.P2 instances
Tuesday, October 6, 2020
#Amazon has announced a price reduction of up to 18% on all ml.p3 and ml.p2 instances in Amazon #SageMaker, making them an even more cost-effective solution to meet your machine learning needs. The new price reduction will apply to ml.p3 and ml.p2 instances for SageMaker Studio Notebooks, On-Demand Notebooks, Processing, Training, Real-Time Inference, and Batch Transform
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AWS Elastic Beanstalk Adds Support for Running Multi-Container Applications on AL2 based Docker Platform
Tuesday, October 6, 2020
Users can now run multi-container applications in #AWS Elastic Beanstalk using the #Docker platform built on top of the #Amazon Linux 2 Operating System. The Elastic Beanstalk Docker on Amazon Linux 2 platform now supports docker-compose.yml format to define and run multiple containers
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Now launch Amazon SageMaker Studio in your Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC)
Tuesday, October 6, 2020
Data scientists and developers can spin up #SageMaker Studio Notebooks for exploring datasets and building models. Now you can choose to launch SageMaker Studio in your #Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (#VPC) for fine-grained control on network access and internet connectivity of SageMaker Studio Notebooks. You can also choose to completely disable public internet access for notebooks to add an additional security layer
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Introducing Distributed Load Testing v1.1
Tuesday, October 6, 2020
#Amazon has introduced Distributed Load Testing v1.1, which helps you easily simulate thousands of users connecting to your application so that you can better understand your application performance under load. The solution launches and configures containers on #AWS #Fargate to generate a specified number of transactions per second without provisioning servers
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Amazon AppFlow supports new options for schedule triggered flows
Sunday, October 4, 2020
#Amazon #AppFlow now allows you to select additional time-stamp fields as the criteria for determining incremental data in schedule triggered flows. In a given flow run, AppFlow supports the ability to transfer only records that have changed since the previous successful flow run. The capability offers additional options for transferring data using AppFlow, enabling you to leverage data in new ways to improve business productivity and drive innovation
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Introducing the redesigned AWS Architecture Center
Monday, October 5, 2020
Amazon has introduced the redesigned #AWS Architecture Center that helps you find the information you need to design and operate reliable, secure, efficient, and cost-effective cloud applications, right from the start. With this new design, the Architecture Center provides content organized around the most crucial architecture knowledge domains, including Security, Identity, & Compliance; Analytics and Big Data; Compute and High-Performance Computing; and more
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Amazon AppFlow supports new options for updating records
Sunday, October 4, 2020
#Amazon #AppFlow, a fully managed integration service that enables customers to transfer data between #AWS services and cloud applications securely, now supports the option of upserting records in destinations, in addition to the already supported option of inserting records. The feature is available when Salesforce is selected as the destination. The new capability provides customers additional options for transferring data between AWS services and destinations such as Salesforce, enabling them to leverage data in new ways to improve business productivity and drive innovation
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AWS Lake Formation now supports Active Directory and SAML providers for Amazon Athena
Friday, October 2, 2020
#AWS Lake Formation now supports Active Directory and #SAML identity providers such as #OKTA and #Auth0 for #Amazon #Athena. You can now easily manage data access for Amazon Athena users with fine-grained privileges using existing identity management tools. With SAML support for Amazon Athena, data lake administrators can now easily manage many users by provisioning their identities, managing ongoing user access with fine-grained privileges, and de-activating users as needed
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Simplify data management in Amazon Personalize with new APIs
Friday, October 2, 2020
#Amazon Personalize enables users to personalize their websites, apps, ads, emails, and more, using the same machine learning technology used by Amazon.com, without requiring any prior machine learning experience. Using Amazon Personalize, you can generate personalized recommendations for your users through a simple API interface. The service makes it easier to manage your growing item and user catalogs with new APIs for incrementally adding items and users in the datasets that you use in Personalize to create personalized recommendations
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Amazon S3 Object Ownership is available to enable bucket owners to automatically assume ownership of objects uploaded to their buckets
Thursday, October 1, 2020
#Amazon #S3 Object Ownership is a new S3# feature that enables bucket owners to automatically assume ownership of objects uploaded to their buckets by other AWS Accounts. The service helps you standardize ownership of new objects in your bucket, and share and manage access to these objects at scale via resource-based policies such as a bucket policy or an access point policy
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AWS AppSync adds support for AWS WAF
Thursday, October 1, 2020
It is now easy to protect your APIs against common web exploits. #AWS #AppSync adds support for AWS #WAF. You can now use AWS WAF to protect your AppSync #GraphQL APIs against attacks such as SQL injection and cross-site scripting (XSS). AWS WAF gives you the flexibility to define rule statements anywhere within the web request, such as HTTP headers or body, allowing your to filter requests based on IP address, country, field size length, requests, and strings or regular expression patterns
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Amazon WorkSpaces introduces sharing images across accounts
Thursday, October 1, 2020
#Amazon #Workspaces introduces sharing images across accounts. It is now faster and easier for customers to share their Amazon Workspaces images across their #AWS accounts. This capability helps users simplify and accelerate deployment while improving the consistency, compliance, and security of their Amazon Workspaces
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AWS CloudFormation Guard โ€“ an open-source CLI for infrastructure compliance โ€“ is now generally available
Thursday, October 1, 2020
#AWS #CloudFormation Guard (cfn-guard) โ€“ an open-source CLI for infrastructure compliance โ€“ is now generally available. The new service checks CloudFormation templates for policy compliance using a simple, policy-as-code, declarative language. Developers can create advanced rules, including rules based on conditions, rules comparing resource properties to numbers, comments on rule sets, and more
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AWS Marketplace launches Geo-Fencing to allow sellers to control availability by country
Wednesday, September 30, 2020
Sellers can control availability by country using #AWS #Marketplace Geo-Fencing. The new capability enables AWS Marketplace Independent Software Vendors to create new or update existing product listings to control product availability to specific countries in line with their business needs. Previously, AWS Marketplace products have been available globally. Independent Software Vendors can now control where their software can be purchased for tax, compliance, support, or marketing purposes
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Amazon Pinpoint launches Event-Triggered Journeys
Tuesday, September 29, 2020
#Amazon #Pinpoint customers can now trigger journeys based on an event generated by a user or endpoint. Journeys are multistep campaigns that can be executed across channels like SMS, email, or push. Previously, journeys could only be triggered from a segment of your customers who shared the same attributes. The new capability now allows you to trigger a journey based on an application event, like adding a product to a cart or browsing to a specific page, enabling you to create a more customized experience for users and improve the chance of completing a high-value action
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AWS Client VPN now supports client to client connectivity
Tuesday, September 29, 2020
#AWS Client #VPN, a managed, scalable, virtual private network service that enables users to access both AWS resources and on-premises networks securely, now supports Client-to-Client connectivity. By enabling the service in either the AWS Console or through the AWS CLI, a VPN client can establish a secure connection to another VPN client. Customers can now create local routes between VPN clients connected to the same AWS Client VPN endpoint to allow one VPN client to initiate a connection to another VPN client
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Amazon Timestream is now Generally Available
Wednesday, September 30, 2020
#Amazon #Timestream is now available. The new time-series database for #IoT, #edge, and operational applications that can scale to process trillions of time series events per day up to 1,000 times faster than relational databases, and at as low as 1/10th the cost, saves customers effort and expense by keeping recent data in memory and moving historical data to a cost-optimized storage tier based upon user-defined policies. Amazon Timestreamโ€™s analytics features provide time series-specific functionality to help customers identify trends and patterns in data in near real-time
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Amazon EFS integrates with AWS Systems Manager to simplify management of Amazon EFS clients
Monday, September 28, 2020
#Amazon #EFS integrates with #AWS Systems Manager to simplify the management of Amazon EFS clients. The new feature allows you to use AWS Systems Manager to automate the tasks required to install the latest version of the Amazon EFS client (amazon-efs-utils) package on your Amazon #EC2 instances, maintaining compliance and security by ensuring that Amazon EFS client is kept up to date
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AWS Marketplace launches Discovery API, making it easier to discover relevant third-party software and data products
Monday, September 28, 2020
#AWS Marketplace, a curated digital catalog with 8000+ software listings and data products, has announced the availability of AWS Marketplace Discovery API, making it easier to discover relevant third-party software and data products. The launch enables independent software vendors (ISVs) and data providers to curate and surface a set of third-party software and data products on their web properties through integration with the AWS Marketplace catalog
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Amazon Textract supports customer S3 buckets
Tuesday, September 29, 2020
#Amazon #Textract, a fully managed machine learning service that enables users to extract text and data from virtually any document, now supports customer #S3 buckets. The new capability allows you to direct the Textract output to your Amazon S3 buckets. You can specify the Amazon S3 bucket name and a prefix to be added to the output file. The option offers greater flexibility to integrate Amazon Textract into your broader technical architectures
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Amazon Connect decreases International telephony rates for customers in North America
Sunday, September 27, 2020
#Amazon Connect, an easy to use contact center service, has reduced telephony costs for North America instances calling Canada by 63% and receiving calls from the United Kingdom and Germany up to 60%. The new rates are now available as part of the standard pricing for Amazon Connect service usage and associated telephony rates
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Announcing APN Navigate for Storage specialization track
Sunday, September 27, 2020
#AWS has announced #APN Navigate for Storage, APN Navigateโ€™s newest specialization track for all AWS Partners. The service enables you to build or further your organizationโ€™s specialization in AWS storage solutions, offering a complete range of services to store, access, govern, and analyze data to reduce costs, increase agility, and accelerate innovation. The APN Navigate track is useful for four primary use cases on AWS โ€“ backup, archive, disaster recovery, and primary storage
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AWS Copilot CLI launches v0.4 focused on autoscaling and operations
Thursday, September 24, 2020
The #AWS Copilot #CLI for #Amazon #Elastic #Container Service (#ECS) launched version 0.4.0 that allows customers to enable autoscaling for services based on average CPU and memory utilization and provide a maximum and a minimum number of tasks. AWS Copilot will also retain the serviceโ€™s desired count after autoscaling occurred to ensure that a service remains scaled out or in based on resource utilization once a deployment starts
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Amazon Textract has improved accuracy of detecting currency symbols, key value pairs and checkboxes
Thursday, September 24, 2020
#Amazon #Textract has improved accuracy for detecting currency symbols, key-value pairs, and checkboxes. The machine learning service that enables customers to automatically extract text and data, including tables and forms within scanned documents and images, delivers continuous improvements over time, such as the quality enhancements to both the Optical Character Recognition (OCR) and the forms recognition features
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Queuing purchases of Savings Plans
Wednesday, September 23, 2020
You can queue purchases of Savings Plans by specifying a time of your choosing in the future to execute those purchases. #AWS Savings Plans provides a new flexible pricing model that allows customers to save up to 72% on #Amazon #EC2, AWS #Fargate, and AWS #Lambda in exchange for committing a consistent amount of compute usage for a 1- or 3-yeat term. The ability to queue purchases offers easier planning and uninterrupted Savings Plans coverage.
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Introducing AWS Cost Anomaly Detection (Preview)
Thursday, September 24, 2020
You can now receive anomaly detection alert notifications with root cause analysis, so you can proactively take action and minimize unintentional spending. #AWS Cost Anomaly Detection is backed by a machine learning model that detects different anomalies, such as a one-time cost surge or gradual cost increases, with minimal user intervention. How does it work? The model learns historical cost and usage and accounts for unique, organic growth and seasonal trends. AWS Cost Anomaly Detection then provides root cause analysis, saving you from spending time to research the anomalies
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Usability Improvements for AWS Management Console now available
Monday, September 21, 2020
Check out the refreshed and responsive navigation header and footer on the newly launched usability improvements for #AWS Management Consoleโ€™s navigation header and footer. The improvements offer an easier way to add or remove services to your favorites list in the navigation header, and an increase in the number of services you see in the โ€œRecently visitedโ€ section, from 5 to 15. You can also access the navigation menu items using a keyboard in some browsers
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Amazon Aurora Increases Maximum Storage Size to 128TB
Wednesday, September 23, 2020
#Amazon has increased the maximum storage size of #Amazon #Aurora to 128TM from 64TB that Aurora database instances supported previously. The new storage limit is available for both the MySQL- and PostgreSQL-compatible editions of Amazon Aurora. With the increased storage limit, users are less likely to reach the limit when they scale up their application on a single Amazon Aurora database cluster, which means they wonโ€™t need to delete data or to split the database across multiple instances.
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Amazon Elasticsearch Service now offers T3 Instances
Wednesday, September 23, 2020
#Amazon #Elasticsearch Service now offers the latest T3 (general-purpose) instances which provide superior performance and larger storage capacity compared to the previous generations. The T3 instances also support the recently launched features like encryption at rest and in-flight, role-based access control, HTTP compression, custom dictionary, SQL, alerting, anomaly detection, and cross-cluster search.
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AWS Security Hub adds 14 new controls to AWS Foundational Security Best Practices standard
Tuesday, September 22, 2020
#AWS #Security Hub has released 14 new automated security controls for the AWS Foundational Security Best Practices standard related to AWS #EC2 (EC2.7 and EC2.8), #Amazon #EMR (EMR.1), AWS #KMS (KMS.1 and KMS.2), Amazon #RDS (RDS.4, RDS.5, RDS.6, RDS.7, and RDS.8), Amazon #S3 (S3.6) and AWS Secrets Manager (SecretsManager.1 and SecretsManager.2). Security Hub now supports 90 security controls to check your security posture in AWS automatically and is available globally
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AWS Backup supports application-consistent backups of Microsoft workloads on EC2
Wednesday, September 23, 2020
#AWS Backup now supports application-consistent backups of Microsoft workloads running on #EC2, via Microsoftโ€™s Volume Shadow Copy Services (VSS). Customers can create, manage, and restore consistent backups of their Microsoft Windows Server instances and Microsoft Applications (including SQL Server, Active Directory, and Exchange Server) directly from the AWS Backup console. The service also allows you to schedule application-consistent backups, define their lifecycle policies, and perform consistent restores.
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Announcing AWS Glue Studio: Visual job authoring and advanced monitoring for AWS Glue
Wednesday, September 23, 2020
#AWS has released the new AWS Glue Studio โ€“ visual job authoring and advanced monitoring for AWS Glue. The visual interface makes it easy for extract-transform-and-load developers to author, run, and monitor AWS Glue ETL jobs. AWS Glue Studio makes ETL accessible to the many users who are new to Apache Spark programming and to users who are accustomed to ETL tools with boxes-and-arrows interfaces. Users of all experience levels can now take advantage of big data processing on AWS Glueโ€™s serverless Apache Spark-based ETL platform without writing code
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Amazon AppFlow now supports AWS CloudFormation
Thursday, September 17, 2020
#Amazon AppFlow now supports #AWS #CloudFormation for creating and configuring Amazon AppFlow resources such as Connector profile and Amazon AppFlow Flow along with the rest of your AWS infrastructure โ€“ in a secure, efficient, and repeatable way. Amazon AppFlow enables you to transfer data between AWS services and SaaS applications securely.
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AWS and Docker extend collaboration to launch new features in Docker Desktop
Monday, September 14, 2020
Developers can use #Docker Compose and Docker Desktop to deploy applications on #Amazon Elastic Container Service (#ECS) on #AWS #Fargate from Amazon Elastic Container Registry (#ECR) or Docker Hub
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Introducing AWS Perspective
Monday, September 21, 2020
#AWS has released AWS Perspective, a new AWS Solutions Implementation, to visualize your #cloud workloads automatically. You can build detailed architecture diagrams of your workloads from live data in your account, that you can customize and share. AWS Perspective maintains an inventory of AWS resources from the accounts and AWS Regions that you import, and derives relationships between discovered resources and presents them in a web application. Each architecture diagram features data relating to historical costs and other metadata for the resources it contains.
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Amazon AppFlow now supports new data formats for ingesting files into Amazon S3
Monday, September 14, 2020
New data formats for ingesting files into #Amazon #S3 using Amazon #AppFlow! Through Amazon AppFlow (a fully managed integration service that enables users to securely transfer data between #AWS services and software-as-a-service (SaaS)), you can choose various file formats, like JSON, CSV, or parquet, when transferring data from a source application to Amazon S3.
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Amazon CloudWatch Dashboards now supports sharing
Sunday, September 13, 2020
#AWS #CloudWatch Dashboards now supports sharing, allowing you to create re-usable graphs of data from AWS resources and custom metrics and logs. Apart from enabling users to monitor operational status and identify issues at a glance, this capability allows customers to share dashboards across teams, with stakeholders, and with people external to the organization. Besides, users can display dashboards on big screens in team areas or embed them in Wikis and other webpages
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Amazon S3 bucket owner condition helps to validate correct bucket ownership
Friday, September 11, 2020
Did you know that you can accidentally interact with #buckets owned by unexpected #AWS Accounts ๐Ÿค”? You can, however, prevent this situation by using #Amazon #S3 bucket owner condition that helps to validate correct bucket ownership. S3 Request APIs can now include an optional bucket ownership condition parameter containing an AWS Account ID that allows users to verify that a specific AWS Account ID is associated with the bucket they are communicating with.
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Amazon WorkSpaces introduces support for cross-Region redirection
Thursday, September 10, 2020
#Amazon #WorkSpaces offers improved disaster recovery capabilities when you use a fully qualified domain name (FQDN) as your registration code. You can redirect users across Amazon WorkSpaces Regions based on your Domain Name Systems (DNS) policies for the FQDN to achieve high availability and regional resiliency
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Build Amazon Chime SDK web applications with the React user interface framework
Wednesday, September 9, 2020
Simplify the implementation of common user experiences in real-time voice, video, and screen sharing web applications using the #Amazon #Chime #SDK #React Component Library. By building with higher-level components, developers can focus on customizing their application while reducing investments in complex client implementations requiring careful configuration of audio and video parameters
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Announcing Data API for Amazon Redshift
Wednesday, September 9, 2020
Focus on building applications versus managing infrastructure: Developers can access #Amazon #Redshift using the built-in Data API, making it easy to build web-services based applications and integrating with services, including AWS #Lambda, AWS #AppSync, and AWS #Cloud9. The Redshift Data API simplifies data access, ingest, and egress from languages supported with AWS SDK to allow developers to focus on building applications versus managing infrastructure.
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AWS IoT Device Management increases the limit for concurrent Active Jobs to 1,000 per AWS account per region
Sunday, July 5, 2020
AWS IoT Device Management users can create up to 1,000 Active Jobs per AWS account per connected region, which is an increase from a prior limit of 100 active continuous jobs and 100 active snapshot jobs per AWS account. The new limit applies to the total number of jobs created, including both continuous and snapshot jobs. It also applies to all commercial AWS regions that offer AWS IoT Device Management.
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Amazon Lex launches accuracy improvements and confidence scores
Tuesday, July 7, 2020
Even better! #Amazon Lex, a service for building conversational interfaces into any app using voice and text, launches natural language understanding improvements and confidence scores ๐Ÿ™Œ. The upgrades are based on customer feedback and advances in research. The natural language understanding improvements enable better intent classification accuracy, while confidence scores indicate the likelihood of a certain intent. The capabilities enhance conversation design
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Amazon Transcribe launches custom language models
Friday, August 7, 2020
It just keeps getting better! ๐Ÿ˜Ž๐Ÿ™Œ #Amazon Transcribe launches custom language models (CLM) that allows you to leverage pre-existing data to build a custom speech engine tailored for your transcription use case. Amazon Transcribe is an automatic speech recognition (ASR) service that makes it easy for users to add speech-to-text capabilities to their applications. The new release is suitable for customers who operate in domains as diverse as law, finance, hospitality, insurance, and media
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AWS App Mesh introduces new default mesh configuration
Sunday, June 7, 2020
How do services communicate with each other across multiple types of compute infrastructure without errors? ๐Ÿค”. Did you know, #AWS App Mesh service provides this capability? The service standardizes how your services communicate, giving you end-to-end visibility, and ensuring high-availability for your applications. AWS App Mesh introduced new default mesh configuration that enables your applications to automatically retry calls to services that return Service Unavailable errors up to two times, making applications more resilient to errors with no additional configuration required.
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CodeGuru Reviewer now has Full Repository Analysis Support
Thursday, May 7, 2020
How nice๐Ÿ˜Ž๐Ÿ˜‰! #Amazon #CodeGuru Reviewer now has full repository analysis support. The developer tool powered by machine learning provides intelligent recommendations for improving code quality and identifying applicationsโ€™ most expensive lines of code. The new release now supports the ability to analyze all code in a repository, package, or a source code branch. Itโ€™s also easy to leverage! You get automated code review with recommendations for associated repositories for all code under a specific code branch
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AWS CodeDeploy Agent has improved compatibility for Amazon Linux 2, Windows and Ubuntu
Thursday, May 7, 2020
#AWS #CodeDeploy Agent has included #Amazon Linux 2 (AL2) and Windows Server 2019 as officially supported operating systems, which makes it easy for users to updated AL2 and Windows Server 2019 applications hosted on #EC2 and on-premises instances. AWS CodeDeploy Agent has improved memory efficiency for #AL2, Ubuntu, and #RHEL7. Besides, the release fixes stability issues on Windows Server 2019relaetd to Disk Cleanup.
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AWS Data Exchange now supports adding data sets to existing products
Sunday, March 8, 2020
Do you want to structure data across multiple data sets? ๐Ÿ˜• Do you want to enrich your products with additional data? #AWS Data Exchange allows you to publish additional data sets to your products ๐Ÿ˜Ž! Data providers can achieve this using the AWS Data Exchange console or programmatically using the AWS Marketplace Catalog API. All new subscriptions will have access to the added data set, and existing subscribers will be notified about the new data set through a #CloudWatch Event.
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Elastic Load Balancing simplifies your AWS bill by introducing a new billing section
Sunday, March 8, 2020
Users can easily understand their monthly Elastic Load Balancing spend with the way the service presents charges in the #AWS bill and Cost and Usage Reports. Instead of displaying Load Balancing charges along with the rest of compute charges, the service has introduced a new section in the monthly bill called Elastic Load Balancing to separately display charges and utilization related information for Classic, Application, and Network Load Balancers across all AWS regions
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Amazon Personalize enhances Recommendation Filters with filtering on item metadata
Tuesday, January 7, 2020
Personalize recommendations for products, videos, music, ebooks, ads, marketing emails, and more, for your users, without any prior machine learning experience, using #Amazon #Personalize that uses machine learning technology perfected over 20 years of recommender systems development at Amazon.com. The service has enhanced Recommendation Filters with filtering on item metadata, providing you greater control on recommendations your users receive by allowing you to exclude or include items to recommend based on defined criteria
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Manage access to AWS centrally for OneLogin users with AWS Single Sign-On
Friday, July 31, 2020
Connect your OneLogin Identity Management Platform (#OneLogin) to #AWS #SSO once, manage access to AWS centrally in AWS SSO, and enable end-users to sign in using OneLogin to access all their assigned AWS accounts. This integration helps you to simplify AWS access management across multiple accounts while maintaining familiar OneLogin experiences for admins who manage identities and end-users as they sign in.
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AWS Fargate for Amazon ECS now supports UDP load balancing with Network Load Balancer
Friday, July 31, 2020
Customers can use a Network Load Balancer (#NLB) to distribute #UDP traffic to container-based applications running on #AWS #Fargate orchestrated by Amazon #ECS. NLBs are fully-managed load balancers operating at the connection level (Layer-4) and are capable of handling millions of requests at ultra-low latency. NLB that previously supported TCP protocol now gives the simplicity of serverless containers to run applications on Fargate that use the UDP protocol
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AWS Firewall Manager now supports centralized logging of AWS WAF logs
Thursday, July 30, 2020
You can now configure logging on your #AWS #WAF web #ACLs centrally using an FMS policy in AWS Firewall Manager (FMS). You can set up an FMS policy for AWS WAF to enable logging on web ACLS for all the in-scope accounts and have the logs centralized under a single account. Logs provide information such as timestamp, AWS resource name, action taken by AWS WAF, and request details
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Amazon S3 features now available in the AWS Toolkits for Visual Studio Code
Thursday, July 30, 2020
You can now access #S3 resources and #CloudWatch Logs in your account using the #AWS Toolkit for VS Code on #AWS Explorer view in the code editor. S3 integration makes it easy for customers to access S3 buckets and S3 objects in those buckets without leaving the VS Code interface. The AWS Toolkit for VS Code is an open-source plugin that allows you to leverage the integrated development environment (IDE) for the creation, debugging, and deployment of software applications on AWS
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ECR now supports encryption of images using AWS KMS keys
Wednesday, July 29, 2020
You can now encrypt container images stored in your #ECR repositories using customer master keys (CMK) managed by #AWS Key Management Service (KMS). The service makes it easy for you to create, manage, and control keys to encrypt and decrypt your data. Overall, you achieve more robust security and compliance requirements around audit, access control and monitoring of encrypted ECR image access using KMS-based encryption
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AWS Security Hub launches new automated security controls
Wednesday, July 29, 2020
#AWS Security Hub launched 7 new automated security controls for the #AWS Foundational Security Best Practices standard and 12 new controls to the #PCI DSS. With AWS Security Hub, users get a comprehensive view of their security posture across their AWS accounts. The service is a single place that aggregates, organizes, and prioritizes your security alerts, or findings, from multiple AWS services, such as Amazon GuardDuty, Amazon Inspector, Amazon Macie, AWS Firewall Manager, and AWS IAM Access Analyzer
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AWS Database Migration Service now supports enhanced premigration assessments
Wednesday, July 29, 2020
You can use enhanced premigration assessments to identify potential database migration problems before initiating the actual migration. #AWS Database Migration Service now supports enhanced premigration assessments that scan both the source and target database schemas and the migration task settings to identify a list of potential issues ranging from data type mismatch to possible performance issues. You can review the premigration assessment results on the console or in an AWS S3 bucket
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Amazon RDS for SQL Server lowers the cost for High Availability DB Instances
Tuesday, July 28, 2020
#Amazon is lowering the price of Amazon #RDS for SQL Server Enterprise Edition database instance in the Multi-AZ configuration ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ˜Ž. The price reduction applies for both On-Demand and Reserved purchases types on the latest hardware. Amazon has reduced the On-Demand prices by an average of 25% across latest generation instance classes.
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Detect fraud faster using machine learning with Amazon Fraud Detector โ€“ now generally available
Tuesday, July 28, 2020
You can quickly identify potentially fraudulent online activities, such as the creation of fake accounts or online payment fraud with #Amazon Fraud Detector, which is available to all #AWS customers ๐Ÿ‘. The fully managed service leverage Machine Learning and 20 years for fraud detection expertise from AWS and Amazon.com to automatically detect online fraud faster
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HTTP compression support now available in Amazon Elasticsearch Service
Tuesday, July 28, 2020
You can reduce the size of your documents by up to 80%, lowering bandwidth utilization and latency, leading to improved transfer speeds using #Amazon #Elasticsearch Service that now supports gzip compression for HTTP payloads. Amazon has introduced a new cluster setting that enables or disables HTTP compressions dynamically without having to restart your domain. To use the service, you must have the relevant HTTP headers in your requests and responses.
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Copy your data between on-premises object storage and AWS using AWS DataSync
Monday, July 27, 2020
You can now automate and accelerate online data transfers between on-premises object storage and #Amazon #S3, Amazon #EFS, or Amazon #FSx for Windows File Server over the Internet or AWS Direct Connect using #AWS #DataSync. The service enables you to quickly and securely migrate, archive, or replicate on-premises datasets containing petabytes of data and billions of objects from on-premises to AWS. You can configure a DataSync task to copy from an on-prem object store to AWS using the AWS Management Console, CLI, or SDK.
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Amazon Elasticsearch Service now supports Learning to Rank to improve search relevancy ranking
Monday, July 27, 2020
#Amazon #Elastic Service now supports open source Learning to Rank plugin that lets you use machine learning technologies to improve the ranking of the top results returned from a baseline relevance query. The service allows you to tune the search relevancy and re-rank your Elasticsearch query search results in information retrieval, personalization, sentiment analysis, and recommendation systems
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AWS Systems Manager Distributor adds support to install and update agents on Oracle Linux platforms
Monday, July 27, 2020
#AWS Systems Manager Distributor now allows you to install and update software agents on instances running Oracle Linux 7.5, 7.6, 7.7, and 7.8, simplifying agent management for environments that include Oracle Linux instances. Systems Manager Distributor service allows you to secure store and manage software agents from its centralized, version-controlled repository
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Amazon Detective enhances VPC flow visibility
Friday, July 24, 2020
You can interactively examine your #Amazon #VPC network flows with Amazon Detective. The new capability enables you to establish information such as an open port or network service that was active during an incident, transfers of large data, and if traffic was allowed by your security groups. Such details help security analysts investigate Amazon #GuardDuty findings, assess unexpected network behavior, and determine the AWS resources affected by a potential security issue
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Amazon VPC Resources Now Support Tag on Create
Friday, July 24, 2020
You can now add tags to your #Amazon #VPC resources while creating VPCs, Subnets, Network Interfaces, Security Groups, Network ACLs, Route Tables, Internet Gateways, Egress-Only Internet Gateways, DHCP Option Sets, and VPC Peering Connections. Assigning tags to resources allows you to easily organize, search, and identify resources, create cost allocation reports, and control access to resources. You can tag resources at the time of creation to eliminate the need to run custom tagging scripts after resource creation
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Scale-Out Computing on AWS with REST API, finer-grained job management capabilities, and enhanced web interface
Friday, July 24, 2020
Scale-Out Computing on #AWS with #REST API, finer-grained job management capabilities, and enhanced web interface. This AWS Solutions Implementation provides customers with a production-ready reference implementation for deploying an AWS environment to start and manage scale-out workloads. The implementation features a large selection of compute resources, budget and cost management integration within AWS, automation tools, and an example user interface
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Amazon Elastic File System increases per-client throughput by 100%
Thursday, July 23, 2020
You can benefit from increased performance and lower cost for workloads that require a high amount of throughput from a single or small number of instances. #Amazon #EFS now supports up to 500 MB/s of per-client throughput, which is a 100% increase from the previous limit of 250 MB/s. With this launch, use cases such as file-based analytics workloads can now process more data in a shorter amount of time, reducing cost, and backup applications can now store and retrieve backups rapidly. Total throughput for an EFS file system remains at 10+ GB/s across all #NFS clients.
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Contact Lens for Amazon Connect is now generally available
Thursday, July 23, 2020
You can now analyze your calls and get insights into the brand perception and customer satisfaction of your organization using Contact Lens for #Amazon Connect. Contact Lens makes it possible for contact centers to easily access call transcripts, understand customer sentiment and conversation characteristics, identify customer issues/call drivers, and monitor compliance with company guidelines. You do not require technical expertise to get started with Contact Lens.
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AWS App Mesh achieves HIPAA eligibility
Wednesday, July 22, 2020
#AWS App Mesh is now a #HIPAA eligible service ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘. You can now use the service to manage communications between environments that contain protected health information (#PHI). AWS App Mesh service allows you to observe, manage, and secure communication between services. You can now start using AWS App Mesh for your HIPAA eligible workloads๐Ÿ™‚
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Amazon AppFlow now supports private data transfers between AWS and Salesforce
Wednesday, July 22, 2020
#Amazon #AppFlow now supports private data transfers between #AWS and #Salesforce leveraging AWS #PrivateLink. You can use AppFlowโ€™s private data transfer option to ensure that data does not get exposed to the public Internet during transfers between AWS and Salesforce. The service improves security and minimizes risks of Internet-based attack vectors. AppFlow makes it easy for you to configure private data transfers with Salesforce in just a few clicks.
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Alexa for Business now available on Logitech Solutions for Zoom Rooms
Tuesday, July 21, 2020
#Alexa for Business is now available to run directly on Logitech Zoom Rooms. The feature offers voice-activated control without requiring you to deploy additional hardware. You get a touch-free way to interact with Zoom Rooms and keep meetings on track by leveraging Alexa to join meetings and be reminded to wrap up when the meeting is about to end.
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Announcing AWS Serverless Application Model (SAM) CLI now generally available for production use
Tuesday, July 21, 2020
The #AWS #Serverless Application Model (SAM) CLI is now generally available. SAM CLI is a deployment toolkit that allows you to build, test, and debug serverless applications locally. It enables you to quickly build serverless applications using several commands, including sam init, sam build, and sam deploy. SAM CLI v.1.0.0 is a stable version recommended for building production serverless applications.
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Amazon EBS Fast Snapshot Restore (FSR) is now available for shared EBS Snapshots
Tuesday, July 21, 2020
You can now enable Fast Snapshot Restore (FSR) on shared snapshots. #Amazon #EBS Fast Snapshot Restore (#FSR) is now available for shared EBS Snapshots. With this service, you can enable FSR for public and private snapshots shared with you. Besides, the feature eliminates the need for you to copy snapshots from other accounts into your account to enable FSR, resulting in cost savings and simplified workflow
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AWS CodeBuild now supports accessing Build Environments with AWS Session Manager
Tuesday, July 21, 2020
You can now access your build environments with #AWS Session Manager using AWS #CodeBuild so you can investigate and diagnose build issues. The new capability allows you to access your Linux and Windows build environments through an interactive one-click browser-based shell or the AWS CLI. Session Manage provides secure, controlled, and auditable access without the need to open inbound ports, maintain bastion hosts, or manage SSH keys. CodeBuild console allows you to create one or more sessions for each build execution
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Amazon AppFlow now supports new Salesforce integrations
Monday, July 20, 2020
#Amazon #AppFlow, a fully managed integration service that enables customers to securely transfer data between #AWS services and #SaaS applications in just a few clicks, now supports automatic import of newly created #Salesforce fields into Amazon #S3 without requiring the user to update their flow configurations. The service allows users to save time and avoid interruptions to flow execution caused by the need to update flow configurations when adding new fields in Salesforce. The service also allows users to import deleted records from Salesforce to any supported destination.
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Amazon Connect adds call recording APIs
Monday, July 20, 2020
#Amazon #Connect now provides four new APIs that enable you to start, stop, pause, and resume call recording. The new APIs allow you to control recording with a button from your custom agent user interface, build integrations to set recording behavior based on telephony attributes (e.g., area code), or pause and resume recording based on programmatic triggers. For instance, you can pause call recording when an agent tabs into a field that accepts sensitive customer information when interacting with a CRM application
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Systems Manager Automation now supports higher concurrency limits for execution
Monday, July 20, 2020
IT operators can now automate operational tasks at a larger scale with #AWS Systems Manager Automation that now supports higher concurrency limits when running automation executions. You can now run up to 100 concurrent automations per account โ€“ including child automations. In case you are running more automations, the additional automations are added to a queue of up to 1,000 executions. The service is suitable for authoring runbooks to perform common IT tasks at scale, such as building Amazon Machine Images (AMIs) with rate controls.
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AWS Managed Services (AMS) Now Offers Context-based Proactive Incident Notification Service
Monday, July 20, 2020
You can proactively receive incident notifications for critical #CloudWatch alarms based on incident context with #AWS Managed Service (#AMS) that now offers context-based proactive incident notification service. The service enables you to understand the critical incidents for your instances, impacted resources, and suggested corrective actions.
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Introducing AWS Content Analysis
Monday, July 20, 2020
#AWS has introduced AWS Content Analysis, an AWS Solutions Implementation that you can use to obtain a broader understanding of your media content through machine learning. The solution brings together the capabilities of different AWS machine learning tools to generate meaningful insights from metadata gleaned through video analysis. You can use the solutions implementation, modify it to fit your workflows, and build your analytical solutions for media in the AWS Cloud
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Introducing Migration Evaluator: Fast Track your Business Case for AWS
Monday, July 20, 2020
You can now request a business case from Migration Evaluator (formerly TSO Logic) at no cost if you are considering #AWS for running on-premises workloads. Without the service, creating business cases can be time-consuming and does not always identify the least expensive deployment and purchasing options. Migration Evaluator offers AWS expertise, visibility into the costs associated with multiple migration strategies, and insights on how reusing your existing software licensing further reduced costs
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New Amazon Elastic File System console simplifies file system creation and management
Friday, July 17, 2020
The updated Amazon #EFS console makes it easier for you to create and manage your file system resources. Apart from a refreshed look and feel, the service now allows you to create a file system using the recommended settings in just a few clicks. Additionally, you can customize your view to find information you are looking for quickly, and you can monitor your file systemโ€™s behavior using Amazon #CloudWatch metrics and alarms natively in the EFS console
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Amazon EC2 VM Import / Export adds support for Red Hat Linux (RHEL) 8 and CentOS 8
Friday, July 17, 2020
You can now import virtual machine images with Red Hat Linux (RHEL) 8/8.1/8.2 and CentOS 8/8.1/8.2 for creating Amazon Machine Images (AMI) using #EC2 VM Import/Export (VMIE). You can use the AMI to create Amazon EC2 instances. VMIE enables you to easily import VM images from your existing environment to AWS (AMI that can run Amazon EC2 instances) and export them back to your on-premises environment
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Announcing automatic backups for Amazon Elastic File System
Friday, July 17, 2020
#AWS users can benefit from automatic backups for #Amazon #EFS that further simplifies backup management of their file systems using the recommended settings (daily backups with a retention of 35 days. The service also enables you to meet your business and regulatory backup compliance requirements. Users can enable automatic backups for EFS by checking a checkbox in the Amazon EFS console or by making a single API call. You can disable the capability at any time
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AWS Key Management Service (AWS KMS) now supports VPC Endpoint Policies
Thursday, July 16, 2020
You can define #VPC Endpoint policies with AWS Key Management Service. The service enables you to increase the granularity of your security controls by specifying which principals can access your endpoint, which API calls they can make, and which resources they can access. Users can define VPC Endpoint policies using AWS Management Console, AWS CLI, or AWS SDK for VPC
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AWS Systems Manager now supports adding offsets to maintenance window schedules
Thursday, July 16, 2020
IT operators can specify the number of days to wait before executing a maintenance window with #AWS Systems Manager that now supports adding offsets to maintenance window schedules. To add the offset, create a new maintenance window or edit an existing one via the Systems Manager Console, AWS CLI, or CloudFormation templates, and specify the schedule as a time-based entry called a cron expression
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Introducing Amazon Interactive Video Service (Amazon IVS)
Wednesday, July 15, 2020
You can now create interactive video experiences with the new #Amazon Interactive Video Service (Amazon #IVS) ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ’ช. Users can send their live streams to the managed live streaming solution using standard streaming software like Open Broadcaster Software (OBS). The quick and easy to set up IVS service does everything users need to make a low-latency live video available to any viewer around the world, allowing you to focus on building interactive experiences alongside the video
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Fluent Bit supports Amazon Elasticsearch as a destination to route container logs
Wednesday, July 15, 2020
Container services users can now send their container logs to #Amazon #ElasticSearch using the Fluent Big log router. The capability is available for services such as Amazon #ECS, Amazon #EKS, or self-managed Kubernetes. Customers can deploy Fluent Bit to route container logs to various AWS and partner monitoring solutions, including #CloudWatch, Amazon #Kinesis, #Datadog, #Splunk, and now Amazon ElasticSearch
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AWS Key Management Service (AWS KMS) now supports VPC Endpoint Policies
Tuesday, July 14, 2020
You can increase the granularity of your security controls by specifying which principals can access your endpoints, which API calls they can make, and which resources they can address. #AWS Key Management Service now allows you to define #VPC Endpoint policies using AWS Management Console, AWS CLI, or AWS SDK for VPC. The service is available in all public regions
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AWS Managed Services customers can now leverage AWS Service Catalog
Monday, July 13, 2020
AWS Managed Service (AMS) accounts users can now leverage AWS Service Catalog as an alternative to the AWS change management system to provision and manage resources in their AMS accounts. Service Catalog helps customers to achieve consistent governance by systematically applying their organizationโ€™s security and operational policies while enabling their end-users to quickly deploy only the approved IT resources they need
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